Dear all,
Another eventful month has passed by and here are some of the highlights.
We have nailed down the structure and the dates of the Second Statebox Summit. It will take place in The Netherlands between 8 and 16 September 2018 and consist of 3 parts: a category theory camp, a research workshop and a meet-up. For more info, please check out the events section of our website. If you have not received an invitation but would like to attend, send us an email at
The paper 'Executions in (Semi)-Integer Petri Nets are Compact Closed Categories' written by our head of research Fabrizio in collaboration with Jelle, the CEO of Statebox, has been accepted at the QPL 2018. You can find the paper on arXiv. You can also catch up with them at the upcoming QPL2018, which will take place in Halifax, Canada in June.
FIY, the paper is full of nice figures, like the one below!
Figure 9: In ExPetriZ/2, Conflict resolution. In ExPetriZ, business strategy involving short-selling
Statebox had a presence at the Applied Category Theory workshop in Leiden, The Netherlands. We went the extra mile and filmed some talks during the tutorial week, as well as during the actual workshop. You can find them here.
Statebox is developing the new Applied Category Theory portal to support the efforts of the organization and allow the members a better way to get to know each other, collaborate and plan events.
In addition, we are planning to open an API with data relating to the location of the organizations, expertise the members have and other data which may be useful for further building out the ecosystem and popularizing category theory. The application is still in early development but you can check it out here.
Following our last month's call for hire, we are happy to announce that a number of haxxors with expertise in functional programming have joined our team!
The Statebox Team